Sweetwater River Trail

Cappie’s Scoop: This hike starts on a really cool bridge! The bridge is so wide that I’m not scared of this one and it doesn’t wiggle. We’ve seen lots of birds, bunnies and coyotes here. Mom says there are also road runners which are birds that run really fast on the ground, I want to see one of those one day! Maybe challenge them to a race to see who’s faster! Don’t hesitate to add YOUR scoop in the comments below!

Tips: This hike is in the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge. It starts at the historic Sweetwater River Bridge also known as Steele Canyon Bridge built in 1929. Once you cross the bridge, look for a pair of large boulders and the trail starts by walking through them. There are a few intersections along the way. For all of them we went straight or took the fork to the right. At about 1.1 miles, we took a right to find the wooden bridge and Cappie looked for ducks! Then we decided to return the way we came and took one of the paths we passed earlier to check it out but still arrived back at the same starting point.

Directions: Take 94 east until it turns into Campo Road. Turn right onto CA-94 E/Campo Road. Turn right onto Singer Lane. The parking area is immediately on your left.

Mileage (round trip) 2.3
Difficulty Easy
Gain (in feet) Negligible
Trailhead 32.734118, -116.941074
Hike Time (in hours) 1-2
Exposure Sunny and Shady
Scenery Trees, Wildlife, Wildflowers, Birds, River
Facilities None
Fees/Permits None
More Info http://hikingsdcounty.com/san-diego-national-wildlife-refuge-sweetwater-river-traill
Last Hiked 11/8/2020

2 Comments on “Sweetwater River Trail

  1. This website is awesome! It takes the guesswork out of where I can locally take my dog. Thank you so much! Hug Cappie for me! 🐾🐾

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